Si terrà il 19 giugno 2009, alle ore 20, nei giardini della Villa di Poppea, il concerto di Musica classica napoletana, terzo appuntamento del Symposium Cumanum, un percorso che parte da Cuma e che vivrà quattro momenti con a tema Virgilio e l´Eneide. Si esibiranno i maestri:

Pasquale Russo

Giuseppe Carannante

Maria Antonietta Caggiano

La Direzione artistica è di Antonio Tommaso Cirillo

Ecco il programma completo dell´evento che vedrà la presenza di ospiti internazionali.

Symposium Cumanum
Poetry or Propaganda:
What Was
Vergil’s Purpose
in Writing the Aeneid?

Villa Vergiliana, Cuma, Italy
10:00 am Welcome
PATRICIA A. JOHNSTON, Director, Symposia Cumana
10:30 Session I. Augustanism
Chair: STEVEN L. TUCK, President Vergilian Society, Miami University
KATHRYN WELCH, University of Sydney
The Persistent Nature of the Resistance to Augustanism
ANDREW PETTINGER, University of Sydney
Augustus Tyrannus: Roman Politics from 24 to 19 BC
MARIA CHIARA SCAPPATICCIO, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Napoli
PHerc. 817: Vergilian Echoes and ‘Pseudo-Augustanism’
MARIE-LAURE FREYBURGER, University of Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France
A proposito di Azio: Propaganda politica e religiosa
dal 44 al 27 a.C
1:30 Session II. Vergil and Augustus’ Program
Chair:J. J. L. SMOLENAARS, University of Amsterdam
ANTON POWELL, Swansea University, Wales,
An Age of Apology? Virgil’s Poetry and Augustus’ Lost
TIMOTHY WUTRICH, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio
Et mentem mortalia tangunt: Reception of the Aeneid
and the Question of Authorial Intent
JAMES BURBIDGE, Queen’s College, Oxford University
Continuity and Change in the Presentation of Octavian-
Augustus in the Works of Vergil
CHARLES GUITTARD, University of Paris X – Nanterre
The Salian Hymn in Vergil, Aen. VIII, 290-305

9:30 Session III. Vergil’s Representation of Augustus
Chair:GIULIANA TOCCO, Soprintendente per i Beni Archeologici (emerita)
WERNER SUERBAUM, University of Munich
Is Aeneas a fi gura of Augustus in the Illustrations in Printed Editions of Vergil from
the 16th to the 19th Century?
STEVEN TUCK, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Vergil at Sperlonga: Statues and Imperial Reception of the Aeneid
CRESCENZO FORMICOLA, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Friendship, Reverence, Warning: Vergil and Power
MARTIN STONE, University of Sydney
Aeneas and the Cardinal Virtues
1:30 Session IV.
Chair: KATHRYN WELCH, University of Sydney
TIMOTHY S. JOHNSON, University of Florida, Gainesville
Poetry Not Propaganda: Horace’s and Vergil’s Poetics of Indeterminacy
GÉRARD FREYBURGER. University of Strasbourg, France
Pitagorismo e propaganda all’epoca di Augusto
PAOLO CAPUTO, Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici Province di Napoli e Caserta
Cuma’s Role in L. Cocceius Auctus’ Portus Julius, Constructed to Oppose Sextus
Pompeius in 38-36 BC
PAOLO CAPUTO, Tour of Cumae: “The Galleries of the Ancient City of Cumae, Constructed
in 38-36 BC in Opposition to Sextus Pompeius.”

FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2009
7:30 am Early departure for Oplontis.
8:30-10:30 Oplontis sites: Villa of Poppaea and Villa of L. Crassius Tertius
ISIS “Graziani” via Sepolcri
10:45 Session V. Vergil’s Representation of His Other Contemporaries
Chair: GIOVANNI CASADIO, Università di Salerno
MARIA ELEFANTE, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
La presenza di Virgilio a Pompei
GERARD CAPDEVILLE, University of Paris IV Sorbonne
Diomede ed Antenore, rivali letterari di Enea
FIACHRA MAC GÓRÁIN, Oxford University
Virgil’s Dionysus: A Transitional Figure
Kapodistrian University of Athens
Esse and Videri: The Politics and Poetics of
Epic Leadership in Vergil’s Epic Realm
15:00 Session VI. Reception of Vergil’s Representations
Chair: MARIA ELEFANTE, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
CHRISTINE PERKELL, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Vergil’s Purpose: Poetry or Propaganda? Misreading in Vergil and Dante: How
We Readers Miss the Point and Ask Off-Center Questions?
ARTHUR POKORNY, University of Vienna
Planities sine fi ne patet. Petrarch on War and Empire (Africa 7 and 8)
ZARA TORLONE, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Russian Reception of Vergil’s Aeneid: Civic Identity and the Classics
Nei giardini della Villa di Poppea
Pianoforte Pasquale Russo
Clarinetto Giuseppe Carannante
Soprano Maria Antonietta Caggiano
Direzione artistica Antonio Tommaso Cirillo

9:30 Session VII. The Effect of Vergil’s Representations
Chair: PATRICIA A. JOHNSTON, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
J.J.L. SMOLENAARS, University of Amsterdam
‘Aeneas’ Conducted Ideological Tour through the Future Rome: Aen. 8. 306-69
MARSHA MCCOY, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Poetry and Propaganda: Vergil’s Aeneid and the Temple of Mars Ultor in the
Forum Augustum
E’ così che muore un poeta (Verg. Aen. 9. 774-777)
EMMANUELLE RAYMOND, University of Lyon, France
Oblivion and Augustan Power in the Light of the Aeneid